Bio-One of Worcester decontamination and biohazard cleaning services

Avoid Holiday Blues

The holidays are about joy but if you find yourself feeling down, here are some ways to avoid that. 

1. Exercise on the regular - your body has a way of balancing itself out when you give it what it needs. Make time for a 10-20 minute walk or take a swim to boost your endorphins.

2.  Be aware of yourself - keep track of bad thougts going on inside. Don't let them take over and ruin your day. Try thinkig of 5 things you're thankful for instead.

3. Choose who you want to be around - maybe some of your family isn't quite a treat, even during the holidays. If someone brings you down, you don't need to spend time with them. 

4. Don't look at facebook - what's worse than not experience joy? Seeing other people's joy. Just because people are posting happy pictures doessn't mean that's what their whole life is made up of. Keep your mind positive and stay off of facebook!

5. Embrace new traditions - sometimes what messes you up most the expectation you see in your head. If everything isn't how you imagined it, try embracing what's real in your life. 

If you know of someone in need of our services, please take a look at our locations to find the nearest Bio-One office near you. Stay safe!

Being a victim of crime changes your life, your family's life and everyone around you. It may feel like you're alone but there are so many resources out there to help you and offer support. Here is a list of victim of crime resources for you or anyone you know that may need it. You are not alone!


National Victims Center for Crime

Office for Victims of Crime

By State: 

Office for Victims of Crime by state

If you know of someone in need of our services, please take a look at our locations to find the nearest Bio-One office near you. Stay safe!